Ekfrassis undertakes the production of audiovisual material of classical repertoire (CDs, DVDs, etc.)
hEre nOw theN
The 8-string guitarist Giorgos Tabakis presents a 10 track album "hEre nOw theN" fascinated with jazz, celestial folk and progressive fusion; each listen offers something completely new.
- Music George Tabakis
- Recodring,mixing,mastering:
Available in selected record stores-bookstores
Dual Nature: Live Sessions
#2. Aetolioa (Live)
#3. Interface (Live)
#4. Shapes and Shades (Live)
#5. Dawn Day Dusk (Live)
#6. Moon Elegy (Live)
#7. Spotlight (Live)
November 2020. Our new CD "Dual Nature", Giorgos Tabakis Rebecca Trescher, produced by Mousiki Efraxis. In a short time, this CD is voted among the best Jazz CDs in a worldwide competition!
8 strings Guitarist George Tabakis presents:
- Music George Tabakis
- Recodring,mixing,mastering:
Κυκλοφορεί σε επιλεγμένα δισκοπωλεία-βιβλιοπωλεία.
Time Exercises
#2. Two Images for Trio, Pt. 2
#3. Spring
#4 Interior Gardens, Pt. 1 “Orchestra”
#5. Interior Gardens, Pt. 2 Guitar
#6. Interior Gardens, Pt. 3 “Orchestra”
#7. Interior Gardens, Pt. 4 Guitar
#8 Interior Gardens, Pt. 5 “Orchestra”
#9 Interior Gardens, Pt. 6 Guitar
#10 Interior Gardens, Pt. 7 Guitar
#11 Timers 2
#12 Timers 4
Artist Name: Athanasios Koumenteris
Κυκλοφορεί σε επιλεγμένα δισκοπωλεία-βιβλιοπωλεία.
Inter Μundos-Giorgos Tabakis Trio
#2. Inter Mundos
#3. Internal Images
#4. External Images
#5. Voyager
#6. Aetolia
#7. Combination of Elements
- Music George Tabakis
- Recodring,mixing,mastering: Ekfrassis Productions
Available in selected record stores-bookstores
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Inter-Mundos-Giorgos-Tabakis-Trio/dp/B00ZG4QQ30
#2. Two Suns
#3. Outdoor Scene
#4. The Persistance of Memory
#5. A Thousand Skies
#6. Expand
#7. Inter Mundos
- Music George Tabakis
- Recodring,mixing,mastering: Ekfrassis Productions
Available in selected record stores-bookstores
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Viewpoint-Giorgos-Tabakis/dp/B01N3W8Q2Q
Guitarte Ensemble: Traces
#1.Overture/ Prologue
#2. Proclamation ( O Hear Ye, O Hear Ye)/ Quarrel/ Proclamation
#3. Sior Dionysis’ Serenade
#4. Pasha’s Entrance/ Nightfall/ Dance of the Vizier’s Daughter
#5. The Share-Out Dance
#6. Aria for a Little Serpent (lyrics by Alex Solomos)/ Karaghiozis Nostalgic and War Dance
#7. Entrance of Sior Dionysis/ Dance of three Jews/ Entrance of Barba Yorgos
#8. Entrance of Alexander the Great
#9. Karaghiozis Great Dance
#10. Final Dance/ Epilogue
#11. Musikalisches Opfer, BWV 1079: Ricercare a 3
#12. Musikalisches Opfer, BWV 1079: Canos Perpetuus Super Thema Regium
#13. Musikalisches Opfer, BWV 1079: Canon 1 a 2 Cancrizans
#14. Musikalisches Opfer, BWV 1079: Canon 2 a 2 Violini in Unisono
#15. Musikalisches Opfer, BWV 1079: Canon 3 a 2 Per Motum Contrarium
#16. Musikalisches Opfer, BWV 1079: Canon 4 a 2 per Augmentationem, Contrario Motu
#17.Musikalisches Opfer, BWV 1079: Canon 5 a 2 Per Tonos
#18. Musikalisches Opfer, BWV 1079: Fuga Canonica in Epidapiente
#19. Musikalisches Opfer, BWV 1079: Ricercare a 6
#20. Musikalisches Opfer, BWV 1079: Canon a 2 Quaerendo Invenientis
#21. Musikalisches Opfer, BWV 1079: Canon a 4
#22. Musikalisches Opfer, BWV 1079: Canon Perpetuus Per Justi Intervali
#23. La Fantome De Marseille
- Music Manos Hadjidakis, Johann Sebastian Bach, Ioannis Angelakis
- Recodring,mixing,mastering: Public Domain Johann Sebastian Bach,Ioannis Angelakis, Seed Point Music Publishing
Available in selected record stores-bookstores
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Traces-Guitarte-Ensemble/dp/B00YCW9T04
Audio CD Modern-e- Quartet Voluntary Electrocution
#2. e-Day
#3. Folkloric Acid
#4. Lament
#5. Black Star
#6. Sail your red ship
#7. Regular Irregularity
#8. Rachel Corries journey
A new production CD is released in mid-January. The electric string quartet Modern-e-Quartet performs unique works for electric string quartet and pre-recorded sounds, written especially for them. The compositions included are by Athens Arts Enseble,Costas Eliades,George Xatzimechelakis,Paul Evernden, Konstantinos Katomeris, Fani Kosona, Marios Tsagkaris and Spyros Makarounas. The contemporary problems of man, both individual and social, and the political position of the creators form a specific character in the whole production despite the diversity of styles.
Voluntary Electrocution is available at the following bookstores and record stores: Dokimakis, Papagrigoriou-Nakas, Club of the Disc, Mousiki Prosfora
You can also buy it digitally: iTunes,Amazon, Rhapsody, Napster
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Voluntary-Electrocution-Modern-Quartet/dp/B003H8F4OE
Ένα από τα έργα του νέου CD του Modern-e-Quartet Voluntary Electrocution.Black Star Κωνσταντίνος Κατωμέρης
Videoart Κώστας Αναστασόπουλος
- Modern-e- Quartet
Κώστας Αναστασόπουλος βιολί Ι
Στέλλα Καρυτινού βιολί ΙΙ
Μάριος Δαπέργολας βιόλα
Christopher Humphrys τσέλο - Recording, Mixing
Κώστας Μπώκος
Studio 19 - Music: Costas Eliades
- Photography: Jonnek Jonneksson
Colourful Songs
You can listen to excerpts from the songs below.The Colorful Songs can be found in the following bookstores and record stores
- Παπαγρηγορίου-Νάκας Πανεπιστημίου 39
www.panasmusic.gr - https://www.politeianet.gr/books/-ekfrassis-productions-cd-chromatista-tragoudia-220635
- Μουσική Προσφορά, Ακαδημίας 57
- Ελευθερουδάκης
- Ευριπίδης
- Δοκιμάκης
- Λέσχη του Δίσκου
- Μουσική Προσφορά
- Benaki Museum
Χρωματιστά Τραγούδια #3. Τσαφ Τσουφ
Χρωματιστά Τραγούδια #10. Ήταν ένας γάιδαρος
Χρωματιστά Τραγούδια #11. Η Γιαγιά μας η καλή
Production of an educational application for children "Discover the Orchestra"
Αριστοφάνης Junior
#2. Προσυχή Δικαιόπολη
#3. Γυναίκα Δικαιόπολη
#4. Γέροι Αχαρνής εναντιον Δικαιόπολη
#5. Τι πεντακάθαρος λόγος!
#6. Γλέντι φίλων Δικαιόπολη
#7. Έξοδος
#8. Ονειρικό
#9. Τραγούδι τσαλαπετεινού – Τραγούδι Αηδόνας – Επίθεση πουλιών
#10. Νεφελοκοκκυγία
#11. Γλέντι στο τείχος
#12. Χαίρε ‘Ερωτα
#13. Παππούλη Αριστοφάνη
#14. Έξοδος – Αχαρνής ΙΙ
The music from the homonymous play for children is released on CD.
- Music Ν. Χατζηελευθερίου
- Texts-Lyrics Μαρία Σκούπα, βασισμένα στα έργα “Αχαρνής και Όρνιθες”.
- Orchestration-musical direction: Ν. Χατζηελευθερίου
- The songs are performed by Anna Sartsidou
- Musical Performance: Guitarte ensemble – Ν. Χατζηελευθερίου, Χρήστος Φάκλαρης, Φραγκούλης Καραγιαννόπουλος (κιθάρα), ΆνναΣαρζίδου (κρουστά,) Αναστασία Μηλιώρη (βιολί), Πάρης Μαμμάς (κλαρίνο), www.guitarte.gr
- Participating: Ειρήνη Μπιλίνη (βιολί), Δημήτρης Λάλος (φωνητικά) και η παιδική χορωδία Pizzicati του Δημοτικού Ωδείου Μοσχάτου-Ταύρου (Δ/νση Όλγα Αλεξοπούλου)
- Recodring,mixing,mastering: Studio 19 – Athens, Κώστας Μπώκος, www.studio19st.com
Available in selected record stores-bookstores
Vertigo- G.A Bécquer
#2. Πρόσωπα-Faces
#3. Ο Άγγελος και η Μούσα-The Angel and the Muse
#4. Απόηχος-Reverbaration
#5. Vertigo
#6. Οίστρος-Inspiration
#7. Όνειρο-Dream
Ekfrassis, again in quarantine creates a video dedicated to the poet G.A. Bécquer. It supports the initiative of a group of artists to bring the work of G.A. Bécquer in contact with the reading and literary public in Greece. The publication of the CD Vertigo by Ekfrassis , with poems by Bécquer, set to music by Nikos Hadjiefthertheriou, helps the reader to get to know the poet-founder of modern Spanish poetry G.A. Bécquer.
- Music Νίκος Χατζηελευθερίου
- Poetic Performance: Περουλής Σακελλαρίδης
- Song: Χριστίνα Πουπάλου, Δημήτρης Βουτσάς
Available in selected record stores-bookstores